A Travellerspoint blog

Tombstone, Arizona

Living in the Past. . .

sunny 33 °C

Tombstone is a city in Cochise County, Arizona, United States. Life in the 1800's was tough and this town thrives because the residents in 2011 are just as tough as the pioneers over 100 years ago. Tombstone is a fun town and the effort residents have made to keep it as authentic as possible goes a long way.

The main 3/4 blocks of the town are cut of from traffic, so a stroll down the middle of the street is easy and educational (there are placards with historical information dotted everywhere). The minute you step on it you feel like you have been transported to the 1880's, with characters dressed as Doc Holiday, Wyatt Earp and ladies of the night are commonly seen talking with drivers of the old stage coaches and a re-enactment of the famous gun-fight at the O.K Corral breaking out daily.

There is a lot of history to the town, more than just the expected gun-fight. The old Court House is full of facts and interesting objects, such as the gallows out back. Although the town is living in the past, they are making a living out of it - so enjoy it, it is a tourist trap now and, after all, you are a tourist!

The biggest highlight for myself personally was the fact that, yes, people (or should I say 'cowboys') DO ride their horses to the local pub. Amazing.

Is it a bit cheesy and touristy? Yes, of course, but that's just part of the charm. Be prepared for lots of dust, cigarette,pipe smoke and knowledge.

Posted by LaurenF3 08:24 Archived in USA

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